It’s a New Year! Only the topic in the news has not changed: corona. Unfortunately we cannot escape it either and our newsletter is full of updates related to the corona measures.

We would like to emphasize a number of things because we have noticed that it has recently become unclear what is and what is not allowed. The questions come in daily, such as: Mouth mask on or off during an exam? And until what time can we still take exams? Ect.

In this newsletter we want to inform you well. If there are any questions, feel free to ask them via email or call us on 0162 45 66 43.

Enjoy reading!


Get home before dark

Until 9 February 2021, everyone in the Netherlands must stay indoors from 9 p.m. If you travel after that time, you have to be provided with a letter can prove that you are traveling home from work. Our examiners all have this employer’s statement with them, allowing them to drive home at 9 pm after an exam.

A basic VCA and VOL VCA in the Netherlands can start no later than 7 p.m. and the candidates must be provided by their employer with an employer’s statement showing that they were still working.

Of course we prefer to see the exams start earlier in the afternoon or at the beginning of the evening at the Dutch locations, so that both candidates and examiners can go home on time.

When is the mouth mask mandatory?

We notice that things do not always go well during the exams. We regret that there are discussions or even rejected exams in the future, because people do not want to obey the rules.

Of course we understand that it is quite exhausting all those rules and reduction of freedom that we have during this corona period. We would like everyone to be able to take his or her exam and we keep the risk of corona spread to a minimum.

  1. Whether a mouth mask should be worn while waiting outside the appointed exam room depends on company rules. We recommend that you do this, so that the registration for the exam can go faster.
  2. As soon as the candidate enters the exam room, a mouth mask must be worn.
  3. When checking the ID, the mask must be removed, because we want to compare the passport photo on the ID with the candidate’s face.
  4. The mask must be put back on when the candidate is brought to his or her place.
  5. When the candidate is seated, his or her mouth mask may be removed if the candidate so wishes.
  6. During the exam, the mouth mask does not have to be worn, exept when the candidate has a question. Then please put on the mouth cap.
  7. At the end of the exam, the candidate must put on the mask again.
  8. As soon as the candidate leaves the examination room, the mouth mask may be removed. (If that is company policy. We are not responsible for the rules outside the exam room.)
We hope that in this way it is clear when a mouth cap MUST be put on and when it is your OWN CHOICE. Again, we also find it annoying that we suddenly have to think about mouth masks. We ask all clients and candidates to cooperate with us, so that the exams can continue as usual.
Most companies are really fantastic in thinking along: from partitions between candidates, mouth masks, disinfectant at the entrance of an exam room, extra cleaners who clean in between moments. We are very grateful to you for that.

International exams don’t just test for corona

At the beginning of this month, 3 exam leaders from Ascend examengroep B.V. went to Poland and Portugal for VCA exams. It was a true adventure this time, because in addition to all precautions, we also had to be able to submit a negative corona test on the return flight.

We would like to thank our customers in Portugal and Poland for organizing the corona test. Thank you for your help. 

Although it was exciting in Portugal, because five minutes (!!) before departure one of the exam leaders only received the result, which was fortunately negative. Not only her health was tested for corona, but also for stress resistance!

At the moment, the rule is that with a good accompanying letter about the work abroad and a corona test on arrival (valid for 72 hours for departure back to the Netherlands), you simply fly. The exam leaders were quarantined for 6 days according to the rules of the RIVM, despite the fact that they had a negative result.


Examiner meeting by zoom this year

It’s almost that time again, our annual meeting of the examiners. Last year the first semi lockdown threw a spanner in the works. We wanted to go out for dinner, but it couldnt happen.

There is certainly no dinner as well this year, but we think it is important that our examiners all work the same way. That is why we are organizing a zoom meeting this year.

If you have any compliments for one of our examiners or if you have points for improvement, you can always pass it on to us by sending an email to: 


We wish everyone good health and hope that most companies can continue working as usual, despite the corona measures.

Thanks for reading our newsletter.

Kind regards on behalf of the entire team of Ascend examengroep B.V.