Feel welcome at Ascend examengroep B.V. We understand our clients and the candidates who come to take exams like no other. Thanks to our many years of experience since September 2005. We can say with certainty that we stand for cooperative, reliable and very fast service.
This is reflected in our services:
- We are available 7 days a week – day and evening;
- Registration in the central diploma register (CDR) within 24 hours;
- Within 48 hours after a successful exam you can receive your VCA and SOG diploma and card, in some cases even immediately after the exam;
- No mandatory minimum number of participants;
- The exam location is tailored to your wishes. This can even be done internationally, we fly monthly to Poland and Portugal and have conducted exams in Scotland, Turkey, Italia, Lithuania, Croatia and Dubai;
- We are proud of our specialization in VCA and SOG exams for people with study disabilities and exam fear. Our reassuring approach has resulted in a high success rate.
At the office you will find our motivated team consisting of the owner Petra and three fantastic office employees: Jolanda, Annemieke and Ruby. Feel free to come and meet our team at our office in Oosterhout or send us an email to administratie@ascendexamen.nl or call 0162 – 45 66 43

VCA exams
Are you looking for a VCA exam agency? Then you’re in the right place!
The VCA diploma ensures that your employees or you, work in accordance with the safety guidelines. The exams are made possible by the (translated as: Foundation Collaboration for Safety) Stichting Samenwerken voor Veiligheid (SSVV), which encourage the safety and working conditions of employees who perform work in a risky environment.
More and more companies are making the VCA diploma compulsory for their employees. Having a VCA diploma can therefore increase your job opportunities.
How does the exam work?
Since January 1, 2016 it is mandatory to take VCA exams digitally. You will hear your result immediately after the exam. We provide exams at any location in the Netherlands and abroad that meet the exam guidelines. Depending on the type of exam, the exam lasts between 60 minutes and 75 minutes.
Ascend examengroep B.V. stands for high quality and therefore only works with VCA qualified freelance exam leaders and examiners. Every year, all freelancers are assessed a number of times on their work and knowledge of the exam guidelines.
VCA Available in several languages
We live in a multicultural society and understand that not everyone knows Dutch. That is why we offer the exams in a wide variety of languages.
VCA Basic: Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Slovak, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
All languages are available as a reading exam, except for Bulgarian and Lithuanian.
VCA VOL: Dutch, German, English and French
VIL VCU: Dutch and English
Other foreign language exams will have to be translated. This takes 30 working days and there are additional costs involved.
You can find the list of terms in different languages via this link: ‘List of Terms‘.
Specialization study disability and exam fear
If the word “exam” alone makes you nervous, you can take an exam with us with peace of mind. We always let our participants first relax in a pleasant room with a cup of coffee and a chat. We explain how the exam works and during the exam there will be minimal distraction, so that you can concentrate well.
We also have a lot of experience with exams on location as sheltered workplace for special target groups and schools with students with a study disability. It also applies here that we always take a friendly approach, so that the participants feel at ease.